Working in new ways

operationalizing the future of work

Unlock Your Human Potential

Discover the possibilities of working in
new ways


What is a Value Network?

A Value Network is a web of relationships (nodes and connections) that generate economic value and other benefits through complex dynamic exchanges between two or more individuals, teams, or organizations. As a non-linear evolution of a value chain, connections represent interactions and collaborations between internal and external participants engaged in either tangible or intangible exchanges of value, often in the form of new products, services, ideas, tacit knowledge of a given domain, or currency (fiat or digital).

The easiest way to get started is by at least recognizing the informal network within every company can be visualized via methods like, Organizational Network Analysis (ONA). Continue the mapping process by collecting and visualizing the value being exchanged between all value network participants via Value Network Analysis (VNA).

Welcome to the Post-Knowledge Work Era

Empowered Product Teams

Empowered Product Teams are the new “superpower” within what author and leading thought leader, Marty Cagan, defines within the new Product Model, ideally the foundation of any Working in New Ways Strategy. From a Systems perspective, Empowered Product Teams are associated with a System of Action that could be forever changed via the new System of Intelligence being envisioned by AI and the introduction of autonomous AI agents. Within The Value Network approach, Product Management gets supported by a value-driven Collaboration, Insights, & Orchestration (vCIO) framework, which becomes scaffolding to enable practitioners to go beyond the traditional People, Process, and Technology that have historically been associated with IT Service Management (ITSM).

  • Collaboration
    Foundational element of a Center for Enablement (C4E) and for improving our human interactions, not only with other humans but now also with generative AI (GenAI).
  • Insights
    Provoking better decision-making via human-centric cognitive methods as well as experimentation and data-driven analytics.

  • Orchestration

    No longer only about the linking of automated tasks, say within DevOps, but more broadly the flow of value that a participant can achieve throughout a given value network.

Working in New Ways Strategy

What We Can Do For You

Our approach recognizes that we have entered the Post-Knowledge Work Era, prompting us to engage the Future of Work as a visionary context – content from consulting firms, software vendors, futurists, and academic institutions. Leaders and the culture as a whole can decide what contexts to subscribe to.

The Future of Work then becomes a critical input to formulating a unique and innovative Working in New Ways Strategy for the entire organization to leverage throughout their journey to becoming a Human-centric, Networked Organization with AI-enabled employee experiences throughout a Modern Digital Workplace.


The macro forces shaping our new ways of working.



Work gets achieved via
the informal network.


Removing intermediaries continues throughout traditional value chains.


The value that one delivers can now be decoupled from their traditional employer.

From Our Founder

Make Your Own Opportunities

The appropriate human response to GenAI is entrepreneurship, which ironically is also being disrupted by GenAI. The ideation and creation processes are being streamlined by AI-enabled innovation, reducing the time to value and the number of resources needed to be successful. Even Venture Capital and the overall funding of startups is rapidly changing. What’s keeping you from working in new ways?